Thursday, May 21, 2009

Stay in Math, Kids

So I'm pretty sure that this cherry picker/sunset date idea ( is just about the coolest thing I have ever heard of. It also definitely makes me regret not having persevered in my mathematical studies (which, as previously mentioned, were not all that extensive nor very impressive) because now I'll probably never be able to work this type of thing out. All I'll be able to do, if I happen to come up with something this awesome and offbeat and ridiculous, is tell people about it really enthusiastically and hope that it will fall on the right ears for someone to actually figure out how it would work. Being enthusiastic about things is something that I do relatively well, though, so I guess I can legitimately have some degree of hope that that could happen.

I do love my current fields of study, though, so not having carried on with math wasn't a total loss.


  1. Yay enthusiasm! Maybe its best that you didn't go into math though. Studying something for real has the tendency to suck the fun out of it, haha.

  2. This IS true. But also, when you study something you learn SO MUCH new cool stuff about it that you never would have figured out on your own because you wouldn't have been looking for it... I dunno, I kind of just wish that I had mad math skillz.
